Coffee at Tubman

Every Thursday at 8:30 a.m., meet us in the cafeteria where we meet, have coffee and have discussions regarding the school.

Family engagement

Tubman is proud of our work on family engagement, from conducting home visits to our Academic Parent Teacher Team (APTT) meetings.

Home visits

Our goal is for 100% of families to have a home visit by their child’s teacher at some point during the school year. Starting in the summer, teachers will reach out to parents to arrange a visit. Teachers work in pairs, and visits usually last 15-30 minutes. These visits help us build a positive parent-teacher relationship, get to know your child, learn more about your family, and hear about your hopes and dreams for you child. It’s also a chance for families to ask the teacher any questions they may have. Parents may also request a home visit at any time during the year.

Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT)

During the school year, we meet with families three times a year for APTT meetings. At these meetings, we share information and data about your child’s progress and how we are working to move them forward in their learning. We also set goals together and share ways that families can work with their child at home to help meet these goals. Meetings are held in October, February, and May.

Communication with teachers and school staff

Please contact our staff through email available here, text if you have their number or contact them through our portal Remind.